Valerie’s letter

Oct. 19, 2013

Dear Ms Young, and other members of the Regina Public School Board:

I am writing to ask that you: (1) apply for heritage designation for Ecole Connaught Community School, and (2) allow experts in heritage conservation to examine the school.

Demolishing a building is something that cannot be undone. Such a decision therefore merits careful consideration, informed by as much evidence as can be made available. Connaught is Regina’s oldest public school. I understand that a local group has raised money to pay for conservation experts to examine the school and provide a report. This would cost taxpayers nothing. I am sure that, as school trustees, you appreciate the importance of conducting adequate and balanced research prior to reaching any decision of significant consequence.

My family has lived in the Cathedral neighbourhood for over 20 years. Both of my children attended Connaught. They are now adults, and productive citizens of Saskatchewan who have fond memories of their formative years. I wish nothing less for current and future generations of children.

Please act in the long-term best interests of our city and our community. I look forward to receiving your reply.

Valerie Phillips

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