Concert for Connaught

Volunteers needed: Silent Auction Coordinator, Bartenders, Set-up Helpers, Ticket Sellers. Artists – consider donating a piece to the silent auction. See volunteer sign-up form below.

Concert poster for web

May 2, Unitarian Centre
$15 adults  $5 children / K-12 students
Tickets at Groovy Mama and Buy the Book

Volunteer sign-up:

Public Talk

Grammar (2)Endangered Schoolhouses: Connaught School and the Disappearing “Palace School” Tradition, 1870 to the Present

Illustrated Public Talk

by Paul W. Bennett, Director, Schoolhouse Consulting, and Adjunct Professor of Education, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

May 20, 7 p.m., Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre – Free of Charge

Historic schoolhouses constructed in late 19th and early 20th century urban Canada will be the focus for this illustrated public talk. Drawing upon current research, the presenter will explore the fascinating history of the so-called “palace schools” and offer a passionate defence of this irreplaceable architectural heritage. Dr. Bennett notes that every city has surviving palace schools and Regina boasts one of the finest — Connaught School, designed by J.H. Puntin and built in 1912.  It remains a classic example of one of these unique architectural landmarks, demonstrating how schoolhouses were once powerful symbols of civic and community pride.


The greenest building is the one we already have

environmental value“For those concerned with climate change and other environmental impacts, reusing an existing building and upgrading it to maximum efficiency is almost always the best option regardless of building type and climate,” according to the findings of a building research study by Preservation Green Lab. Released in January, 2012, the report is the most comprehensive study to date of the environmental impacts of new construction versus renovation and retrofitting. It found that no matter how energy efficient a new building may be, it typically takes many decades to overcome the environmental costs of demolition and new construction. Read the report.